Luisa Cioffi laureata in scultura all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia con il massimo dei voti, ha ideato e realizzato numerose opere per chiese e luoghi sacri tra cui il Battesimo di Gesù in mosaico lapideo e vetro di Murano e l’ambone in marmo rosso di Verona, per la chiesa di San Lorenzo Giustiniani; la vetrata a piombo dei quattro Evangelisti in vetro di Murano, nella chiesa della S.S. Trinità . Dal 1996 ha progettato e realizzato numerosi locali, ristoranti, showroom, stand, allestimenti, mostre, esposizioni; interior design, progettazione e realizzazione di sculture, opere pittoriche, mostre personali in Italia e all’estero. Le sue opere e realizzazioni sono presenti in: Italia, Francia, Germania, Arabia Saudita, Giappone.
Luisa Cioffi graduated in sculpture from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice with top marks, has designed and created numerous artworks for churches and sacred places including the Baptism of Jesus in stone mosaic and Murano glass and the ambo in red marble of Verona, for the church of San Lorenzo Giustiniani; the lead stained glass window of the four Evangelists in Murano glass, in the church of S.S. TrinitĂ .
Since 1996 she has designed and created numerous brasseries, restaurants, showrooms, stands, installations, exhibitions and art show; interior design, planning and creation of sculptures, paintings, personal exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
Her artworks and creations are present in: Italy, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Japan.
Since 1996 she has designed and created numerous brasseries, restaurants, showrooms, stands, installations, exhibitions and art show; interior design, planning and creation of sculptures, paintings, personal exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
Her artworks and creations are present in: Italy, France, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Japan.
Luisa Cioffi diplĂ´mĂ©e en sculpture de l’AcadĂ©mie des Beaux-Arts de Venise avec les meilleures notes, a conçu et rĂ©alisĂ© de nombreuses Ĺ“uvres pour des Ă©glises et des lieux sacrĂ©s, dont le BaptĂŞme de JĂ©sus en mosaĂŻque de pierre et verre de Murano et l’ambon en marbre rouge de VĂ©rone, pour le Ă©glise de San Lorenzo Giustiniani ; le vitrail au plomb des quatre Ă©vangĂ©listes en verre de Murano, dans l’Ă©glise des S.S. TrinitĂ©. Depuis 1996, il a conçu et rĂ©alisĂ© de nombreux restaurants, brasseries, showrooms, stands, installations, expositions; design d’intĂ©rieur, planification et crĂ©ation de sculptures, peintures, expositions personnelles en Italie et Ă l’Ă©tranger. Ses Ĺ“uvres et crĂ©ations sont prĂ©sentes en : Italie, France, Allemagne, Arabie Saoudite, Japon.